Thursday, August 23, 2007


Political parties have a habit of taking out full page ads trumpeting their achievements during the first 'n' days in office ('n' is typically 100 days if you are ru[i|n]ning a state; 365 days if you have been given a mandate to screw over the whole country). If you pay close attention to these achievements, you'll find that more than half of these are not really achievements at all, since they are nothing more than statements of intent or, worse, hollow promises. Case in point: some of the 'achievements' of the Mayawati government:
  • Police administration given strict orders to protect people belonging to the poor and downtrodden sections of the Sarva Samaj

  • Decision taken to set up power plant
And, incredibly, these gems:
  • Demanded Rs.800 billion from the prime minister for a special development package for Bundelkhand and Purvanchal regions

  • Demanded Rs.22 billion from the central government for flood relief